Thursday, January 18, 2007

The coffee question

For myself and my fellow coffee drinkers, the pressing question of "where will we get coffee?" always arises when traveling. I had a couple days of caffeine withdrawal headaches before I figured it out. We can make instant coffee at home, which I just can't get behind, as well as tea, which just doesn't quite do it for me. A few days ago I discovered the coffee stand at the hospital. The coffee itself is pretty good, although much sweeter and foamier than US coffee. While I usually concede that American serving sizes are out of control, I find this serving size to be inadequate. I usually need two... and the coffee girl thinks that's pretty funny.


Jared said...

That's the coffee size for which I've been searching for my entire coffee-drinking life. Bigger than an espresso but not stomach erodingly large. It's even better that Starbucks' short, which was a huge discovery for me.

Unknown said...

jared you speak strange things that i cannot comprehend. that is the wimpiest cup of coffee i've ever seen. sami how are you surviving on only two???
i miss you.

Unknown said...

I would drink coffee out of a soupbowl if it was socially acceptable. Jared you are a wuss. Sarah, you don't seem to understand that the concept of a blog involves daily updates! How can I live vicariously through your Indian adventure if I don't know what you are up to? Boston is cold and gray, tell me about your colorful and warm adventures.